Passdb LDAP with password lookups

Advantages over <authentication binds> [AuthDatabase.LDAP.AuthBinds.txt]:

 * Faster, because Dovecot can keep sending multiple LDAP requests
   asynchronously to the server. With auth binds Dovecot must wait for each
   request to finish before sending the next one.
 * Supports non-plaintext <authentication mechanisms>
   [Authentication.Mechanisms.txt] (if returning plaintext/ <properly hashed
   passwords> [Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt]).
 * When using <LDA.txt> and static userdb, deliver can check if destination
   user exists. With auth binds this check isn't possible.

LDAP server permissions

Normally LDAP server doesn't give anyone access to users' passwords, so you'll
need to create an administrator account that has access to the userPassword
field. With OpenLDAP this can be done by modifying '/etc/ldap/slapd.conf':

# there should already be something like this in the file:
access to attribute=userPassword
        by dn="<dovecot's dn>" read  # just add this line
        by anonymous auth
        by self write
        by * none

Replace <dovecot's dn> with the DN you specified in 'dovecot-ldap.conf's' 'dn'

Dovecot configuration

The two important settings in password lookups are:

 * 'pass_filter' specifies the LDAP filter how user is found from the LDAP. You
   can use all the normal <variables> [Variables.txt] like '%u' in the filter.
 * 'pass_attrs' specifies a comma-separated list of attributes that are
   returned from the LDAP. If you set it to empty, all the attributes are

Usually the LDAP attribute names aren't the same as <the field names that
Dovecot uses internally> [PasswordDatabase.txt]. You must create a mapping
between them to get the wanted results. This is done by listing the fields as
'<ldap attribute>=<dovecot field>'. For example:

pass_attrs = uid=user, userPassword=password

This maps the LDAP "uid" attribute to Dovecot's "user" field and LDAP's
"userPassword" attribute to Dovecot's "password" field. These two fields should
always be returned, but it's also possible to return other special <extra
fields> [PasswordDatabase.ExtraFields.txt].


Most importantly the 'pass_attrs' must return a "password" field, which
contains the user's password. The next thing Dovecot needs to know is what
format the password is in. If all the passwords are in same format, you can use
'default_pass_scheme' setting in 'dovecot-ldap.conf' to specify it. Otherwise
each password needs to be prefixed with "{password-scheme}", for example
"{plain}plaintext-password". See <Authentication.PasswordSchemes.txt> for a
list of supported password schemes.


LDAP lookups are case-insensitive. Unless you somehow normalize the username,
it's possible that a user logging in as "user", "User" and "uSer" are treated
differently. The easiest way to handle this is to tell Dovecot to change the
username to the same case as it's in the LDAP database. You can do this by
returning "user" field in the 'pass_attrs', as shown in the above example.

If you can't normalize the username in LDAP, you can alternatively lowercase
the username in 'dovecot.conf':

auth_username_format = %Lu


A typical configuration would look like:

auth_bind = no
pass_attrs = uid=user, userPassword=password
pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u))
default_pass_scheme = MD5

(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)