WARNING! Building ModSecurityIIS on Windows is a relatively complicated process. Understanding it requires advanced knowledge of Windows and Unix environments. Using the same versions of libraries as listed below is strongly recommended. -------------------------------------- Tested on: Windows 7 x64 Vistual Studio 2010 Ultimate SP1 IIS enabled/installed cmake 2.8.7 curl 7.24.0 apache 2.2.22 or apache 2.4.3 libxml2 2.7.7 lua 5.1.5 pcre 8.30 zlib 1.2.7 7-Zip -------------------------------------- 1. Create working directory c:\work and drop directory c:\drop 2. Sync SVN ModSecurity branch to c:\work\mod_security 3. Copy files from c:\work\mod_security\iis\winbuild to c:\work 4. Download and install cmake (unpack to c:\work\cmake-2.8.7-win32-x86) 5. Download and install 7-Zip 6. Adjust paths in c:\work\init.bat accordingly if needed 7. Download curl, apache, libxml2, lua, pcre and zlib, place them in zip files in c:\work curl-7.24.0.zip httpd-2.2.22-win32-src.zip or (httpd-2.4.3.zip (source) and httpd-2.4.3-win32.zip + httpd-2.4.3-win64.zip (binaries)) libxml2-2.7.7.zip lua-5.1.5.zip pcre-8.30.zip zlib-1.2.7.zip Modify c:\work\build.bat accordingly (if other versions were used) 8. Open cmd.exe window, go to c:\work and run buildall.bat 9. When done, the binaries, lib and pdb files should appear under c:\drop\x86 (32-bit) and c:\drop\amd64 (64-bit) 10. Open the VS ModSecurity IIS installer project 11. Copy new binaries to the installer's x86 and amd64 directories 12. Build installer from within VS