NOTE: all issues are to be reported here:
Extract the contents of the custombuild.tar.gz into /usr/local/directadmin, which create and overwrite files in your custombuild directory.
Follow the instructions when you type "./build"
cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild.old
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build update_data
#if you want to customize your options.conf (eg, setup suPhp/cgi, do it here.)
./build all d
Which will install the apache and php version in the options.conf
The default is apache 2.2, php 5 CLI (non-suPhp).
If you've converted from customapache (vm-pop3d), after a few days of checking to ensure things are working correctly,
run the following command to remove all old mbox data:
echo "action=delete&value=mbox" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Note there is no FrontPage support in custombuild.
Frontpage extensions have been end-of-life since June 2006
Don't forget to restart apache when you're done.
Rules for modifying the options.conf:
1) You must always have exactly one CLI version of php (/usr/local/bin/php for DA).
2) You're probably not going to want to run php 4 in both CLI and CGI at the same time.
If you want CLI and CGI, pick a version for each one.